Monday, December 30, 2013


An update for those who have come across this blog looking for information on reproductive immunology.

I had a successful pregnancy with the help of progesterone pessaries until 15wks, Clexane throughout the pregnancy, steroids (prednisolone dose beginning at 35mg and weaning by 27 wks), and 5 x Intralipid infusions @ 10 days pre embryp transfer, 6wks, 11wks, 19wks & 27wks.

I gave birth to a beautiful baby in June. So far, so good!

My advice to others - if you suspect something isn't right, go with your instinct. Find an online support network and get as much information as you can. I had given up hope of ever becoming a parent until my immunologist found the magic protocol for me.

To update the costs - total ended up being about $30000, and worth every cent!


  1. Congrats :-) I am happy for you , I was looking for some info about Dr Gammal Mathias and the kind of treatment he use and I came across your blog, Im very happy for you for your baby !!! you give me some hope :-)

  2. Thank you so so much for sharing this on your blog, although i'm not sure if you still check this I just wanted to say thank you so much for that. I am currently seeing Dr M thanks to your recommendation after 5 failed IVF cycles. I am healthy and young, and originally our diagnosis for infertility was Male Factor. He has uncovered high NKC's for me and also a positive Anti Nuclear Antibody which could be the reason behind all of our failures. So happy to hear of your success. Hope it rubs off on me :P x

  3. Superb story. I'm too under Dr. M now. I'm 6dpt. Got positive hpt but having little brownish spotting. Freaking out a little bit due to that now.

    1. I had loads of brown spotting! Hope you got a BFP x
