Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Reasons I'm not rushing back to work

I am due back at work tomorrow but have decided to postpone that for at least another day for a few reasons...
  1. The only pants I can comfortably wear that don't irritate my incisions are pajamas!
  2. I came to the realisation that teaching isn't really a job that allows 'rest'. Nor does it allow you to go to the bathroom whenever you want - you're governed by bell times :/
  3. Walking more than about 20 steps at a time is tiring.
  4. I did a couple of things around the house yesterday - load of laundry, sweeping, vacuuming - and felt like I had run 3 marathons when I finished.
  5. I checked my accumulated sick leave balance and I have over 45 days, so taking another one or two won't hurt.
  6. I still need at least one nap per day.
  7. J pointed out that every day at stay home I get paid the exact same as I would if I went to work, so why would I go in and deal with teenagers if I didn't have to?

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